Customer Experience

Product & services quality is not enough anymore. The way your business is handling its customer experience, after sales services and support is as critical as delivering the right product in the right time in the right place.

TGC’s Customer Experience approach

Customer Journey & Value

  • Knowing every touchpoints between your brand and your customers (and your potential customers) allow us to build powerful strategies.
  • Focusing on Acquisition, Activation, Retention, Recommendations and Revenues matrix to lead the way to game-changing projects that will lead to value.
  • Establishing the right level of investment to get the best results.No over-investments. No under-investments.

A concrete approach. Focused on results

  • TGC will audit & assess your strengths and weaknesses on your relationship with your customers, then will focus on key tasks and optimizations to bring quick results.
  • Making sure your Customer service is bringing the value your products or your services deserve. Establishing the rights metrics and tracking them.

Our convictions on Customer Experience

You no longer need to choose between enhancing the customer experience and reducing customer service expenses. By gaining a deep, actionable understanding of how various experiences influence customer lifetime value—and how you measure up against competitors—you can simultaneously boost loyalty and cut costs. Equipped with the right tools, you can evaluate the potential outcomes of your improvements, paving the way to customer experience excellence.

Our track record

We’ve supported industry leaders in their Customer Experience Management




Customer Services optimized


Time to bring effects and results

The kind of projects we ran…

Assessing the pain points of Customer services

We’ve helped a leading retailer in assessing the reasons its customers churned

Reorganizing Service Center

TCG’s team ran reorganization processes in order to optimize NPS and costs.

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